Rustic crazy paving

Google Reviews - 4.9 Stars
This is our genuine Cornish crazy paving. The price listed is per pallet.

The price is per pallet of stone, exclusive of VAT. The approximate coverage for 1 pallet of crazy paving is 12.5m2.

Rustic crazy paving is slightly weaker than the blue grey variant, and should therefore be used in 'low pedestrian traffic' areas.

Availability: In stock

£522.00 (£435.00 excl. VAT)
Product Description
Rustic crazy paving is split along the stone's natural 'grain'. All thicknesses are therefore nominal, and a variation of between 3/4" and 1 1/2" should be allowed for. The pieces are completely irregular, with no edges sawn straight, creating a jagged outline. Please be aware the price listed above is excluding VAT.
Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU Rustic Crazy Paving